We are proud to announce our collaboration with OPT IN, a brilliant charity who I'll tell you a little about below
I think the best way for me to introduce OPT IN is by sharing this excerpt from their mission statement:
“The OPT IN mission is simple; to share the knowledge and skills of our health care staff with partner hospitals in a number of developing countries.”
OPT IN work tirelessly to deliver on this. You can see it for yourself when you look around their website. Their effortlessness in fundraising for and visiting disadvantaged communities makes a great impact. Imagine life in Britain without good health services and hospitals. Further to their mission statement, they describe that:
"The aim is to deliver training which will result in sustained improvements in the health services in the partner country so improving the health of its population. The agenda for this training is based on local needs and is defined by our partners."
Now, its not quite on par with what these fine people work to prevent, but the ol' industrial English North were once mucky n' dirty n' 'orrible. But that's barely even a reason for this collaboration. OPT IN need as much support as possible, so to help them achieve that we've teamed up with them on our big project for this half of 2014. We want to sell as much art as we can so that we can give OPT IN as much money as possible, so they can continue on their marvellous mission.
We hope you'll agree that theirs is a fine cause, and we're proud to support them. If you can join us for any and all of our Northern Artists events we'd love it:
- Northern Artists Talk - Friday 28th March, 7pm
- Northern Artists Exhibition PREVIEW EVENING - Friday 11th April, 7pm
- Northern Artists Exhibition - Saturday 12th - Saturday 26th April